Corporate Workshops

Management of stress for corporates, self-employed, and working professionals has become very essential in this fast and rapidly growing world.The challenge of meeting deadlines in a short period is resulting in considerable stress on the working professionals. This further gets aggravated especially for women. Of late, serious ailments like diabetes, hypertension and cardiac problems have started affecting individuals at a very young age when they are at the prime of their career.

To help in overcoming these problems, we have designed special workshops for Stress Management.

We do not claim that stress can be eliminated totally, but by bringing changes in lifestyle, stress can be “managed” well and over a period of time, “Yoga as a way of life” becomes part of their subconscious mind.

Life, exempt from public haunt, Finds tongues in trees, books in running brooks, sermons in stone and good in everything

Management of stress for corporates, self-employed, and working professionals has become very essential in this fast and rapidly growing world. The challenge of meeting deadlines in a short period is resulting in considerable stress on the working professionals. This further gets aggravated especially for women. Of late, serious ailments like diabetes, hypertension and cardiac problems have started affecting individuals at a very young age when they are at the prime of their career.

To help in overcoming these problems, we have designed special workshops for Stress Management

We do not claim that stress can be eliminated totally, but by bringing changes in lifestyle, stress can be “managed” well and over a period of time, “Yoga as a way of life” becomes part of their subconscious mind.

The corporate workshops are generally of 6 hours duration and have very useful content. The broad contents are as under:

  • Related Asanas
  • Various techniques of Pranayama
  • Conscious Relaxation Techniques
  • Kriyas – cleaning and strengthening of eyes, nose, and throat.
  • ‘Sattvic’ diet food at appropriate intervals that helps beat stress.
  • Interactive games based on yogic concepts.

These workshops are very unique; refreshing and enjoyable for the participants.

We conduct these workshops at the client’s facility or on our campus as desired by the client.

The workshops can be tailor-made to suit the specific requirements of our clients.

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