How many hours a day will I be meditating during the retreat?
Though there is a schedule which you will be provided with, there are no stringent rules. You can start with short periods of meditation and gradually increase the duration.
What language is used in the course?
The course is taught primarily in English although Hindi is also used during lectures.
How much does the course cost ?
Please write to us, we will apprise you regarding the fees and other details. We look forward to hearing from you.
I can’t sit cross legged. Can I meditate?
You certainly can. Meditation can be done in various postures, sitting crossed legged is not mandatory. Moreover, chairs are provided for those unable to sit comfortably on the floor because of age or a physical problem.
I’m on a special diet. Can I bring my own food?
If your doctor has prescribed a special diet, let us know and we will see whether we can provide what you need. If the diet is too specialized or would interfere with meditation and yoga, we might have to ask you to wait until you can be more flexible. Having said that, we are sure you will enjoy the vegetarian satvik food we provide.
Can pregnant women attend courses? Are there any special arrangements or instructions for them?
Pregnant women may certainly attend although we will ask you to provide us with a certificate of fitness by your physician at the time of booking. We provide the extra food they need and ask them to work in a relaxed way.
How can I be sure I am capable of doing the meditation?
For a person in reasonable physical and mental health who is genuinely interested and willing to make a sincere effort, meditationis not difficult. If you are patient with yourself, you can be sure of creating a difference in your life. It may appear daunting but the presence of supportive teachers and other students practicing conscientiously in a peaceful and joyful environment will provide motivation to your effort.
Is there anyone who should not participate in a course?
We welcome everyone and try our best to ensure that your experience is fruitful. Through a process of questions and answers, we will be able to help you decide clearly beforehand whether you are in a position to benefit fully from a course. In some cases applicants are asked to get approval from their physician before they can be accepted.
Can Yoga and Meditation cure physical or mental diseases?
Many diseases are caused by our inner agitation. If the agitation is removed, the disease may be alleviated or disappear. But learning Yoga with the aim of curing a disease is not the right approach. The goal should be to transform one’s lifestyle, patterns of thought and emotion in order to be balanced and fulfilled.
Can Yoga cause physical injury?
Yoga is more than just asanas teaches you to be aware and equanimous, that is, balanced, despite all the ups and downs of life. But if someone comes to a course concealing serious emotional problems, that person may be unable to understand the technique or to apply it properly to achieve the desired results. This is why it is important to let us know your past history so that we can judge whether you will benefit from a course.
Do I have to be a Hindu to practice Yoga?
People from many religions and no religion have found yoga and meditation helpful and beneficial. Yoga is a philosophy of living, a way of life. While it is the essence of what Maharishi Patanjali taught,, it is the cultivation of human values leading to a life which is good for oneself and good for others.
The course is out of my financial reach? Is there a way I can still attend?
You are welcome to writ to us and we will see if we can accommodate you through our scholarship fund. The fund is made possible by generous donations of previous students, guests and patrons.
Do you offer work/ study exchange programs exchange programs for teacher training courses?
We would love to have you volunteer and work with us but we do not offer work/study exchange programs. We encourage you to think of creative ways to support your journey as a yoga trainer. You can still write to us and we will see how we can support you
Does participation in the training automatically confer certification as a teacher?

Generally speaking, if you commit to being present for every class session offered during the course, certification is highly likely. If you don’t show up for classes and fail the below assessments, you might not receive a diploma of certification at the time of graduation.

Participants should pass all different aspects of the course to be eligible for the course diploma. Unsuccessful students will have to repeat the entire course at regular cost to qualify for the certificate.

If I fail to get certified will I get a refund?

All fees for this training, including tuition and accommodation, are non-refundable 30 days before the program begins.

There is no refund if you leave the training early or fail the course certification

Can I bring my spouse / kids with me to the training?
In order to facilitate your focus and discipline , we do not encourage having family members during the teacher training course. We offer yoga holidays and retreats, which you may attend with your dear ones.
Can I record the lectures and other sessions?
No, no audio or video recordings are permitted during the course. Photographs are permitted without flash.