Giving is not just about making a donation, it’s about making a difference.

Story About What we do

We are inspired by the divine shanti mantra ‘Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu” which guides us to pursue welfare and happiness of the all encompassing Creation. Our mission is to facilitate a society where people are excited to contribute to universal progress and growth and strengthened by unrestricted joy and compassion. In line with this mission we established our trust foundation to expand the reach and scope of our efforts. We undertake community outreach and environmental conservation projects including Tree Plantation Drives, Food Grain Distribution and Blanket Donation programs. We also aim to broaden our contribution to social entrepreneurship and skill development avenues in the future. Our initiatives are rooted in deep regard for humanity and a profound sense of environmental consciousness aimed at improving the lives of people around us through social welfare measures and eco-sustainability projects.

Leave a Legacy

Create something that will be valued for time immemorial

Make a Donation

Contribute to make a difference to someone’s life

Become a Fundraiser

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Become a Volunteer

Work with us and engage in something meaningful

Be a part of our plantation drive

Each plant matters and even one sapling makes a difference. Keeping this in mind we are creating green spaces in urban areas which help combat pollution, restore the vitality of soil and provide rejuvenation to people and animals alike. Most importantly these plantation drives give us the opportunity to nurture environmental consciences within people.

Featured Causes

Here are some of our ongoing projects

Miyawaki Afforestation Project

Miyawaki Afforestation Project

The Tehri region is one of the most ecologically sensitive regions in our country. It is also immensely rich in terms of biological diversity and cultural value. Unfortunately,…

Ann Daan- Food Grain Distribution

Ann Daan- Food Grain Distribution

Food is the life sustaining energy that is essential for all of us. One of the most unfortunate aspects of our world is that millions of people go…

Osna – Blanket Donation

Osna – Blanket Donation

Winters in North India can be particularly brutal with temperatures falling close to 0 degree Celsius. According to data released by the NCRB approximately 810 people die of…

Become A Volunteer

Join us for a better life and beautiful future

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