Cosmic Energy

Our Universe has an abundance of energy which is scattered everywhere. When the universe came into existence the massive energy that was the same converted itself into many types of energy like cosmic energy, life energy, spiritual energy and mental energy. The law of conservation of energy states that the energy in the universe cannot be created nor be destroyed but can be converted from one form to another and we interact with these varied forms of energy every day. 

Cosmic energy is the life energy of the universe itself that exists in all aspects of creation. It is present in the cosmos, between the galaxies, the molecules and in space. It is the energy that puts the planets in orbits, the energy by which the atoms convert into molecules, and molecules into materials. Cosmic energy is immensely powerful, permanent and indestructible. Everything that is happening around us at the planetary level or at the minute scale of atoms and molecules is happening through cosmic energy. It is the energy that animates life and maintains balance in the entire universe.

Cosmic energy flows through our bodies in energy centres called Chakras and through a field referred to as the aura. People need this energy in order to maintain balance in their lives however, only very few people can feel this energy and even fewer who can channel the true potential of this energy. Those who can, are able to manifest almost anything in life. Cosmic energy can be purposely received by practising spirituality.  When an individual becomes one with cosmic energy and understands fully the very concept of energy to attain Liberation , they become entirely different individuals. The one who attains Liberation develops superior physical, mental, and spiritual abilities which are far beyond the normal individuals. 

An interruption to the flow of cosmic energy results in diminished function, leading to negative thoughts and feelings. Also causes diminished functionality of cells and organs, therefore, leads to reduced productivity and poor health. It can be revived through spiritual practices and breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, tai chi, or other similar exercises

Because it is all pervasive and omnipresent, Cosmic energy is also known as the energy of Supreme Consciousness and Intelligence.


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