Holi The Festival Of Colours

Holi the festival of colours is celebrated by the people of India. The festival of Holi underscores the idea of “let go” and burning all negativity and evil. Holi is played together with colors and flowers spreading the message of love and affection.

The festival is associated with the legend of the demon Holika and Bhakta Prahlad’s devotion to Lord Narayana and his subsequent escape from death at the hands of Holika. Prahlad’s father, Hiranyakashipu, punished him in a variety of ways to change his devotional mind and make him worldly-minded. He failed in all his attempts. At last he ordered his sister, Holika, who had a boon to remain unburnt even in fire, to take Prahlad in her lap and enter into blazing flames. Holika did so. She perished but Prahlad remained untouched and emerged smiling. He was not affected by the fire by the divine grace of Lord Narayana.

Holi The festival of Colours

A bonfire is lit is enacted every year on the day before holi to remind people that those who love God shall be saved, and they that torture the devotee of God shall be reduced to ashes. Even the nature celebrates during this time as it is spring time the plants and trees celebrate by blossoming new beautiful flowers and leaves.

Wishing Happy Harmonious Holi.


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