Osna – Blanket Donation

Winters in North India can be particularly brutal with temperatures falling close to 0 degree Celsius. According to data released by the NCRB approximately 810 people die of cold every year in India. Many of these deaths can be prevented by providing some form of insulation from the cold, such as blankets and warm clothes. Osna- our blanket distribution initiative is an attempt to provide warmth and hope to those less fortunate. This program is conducted annually and has completed 5 years in 2023.

As the cold winds of winter sweep through our cities, most of us retreat into the warm comfort of our homes but for those without a place to call home, the icy embrace of winter poses a far graver threat. Individuals who are homeless and underprivileged face not only the physical discomfort of freezing temperatures but also the constant struggle for survival amidst harsh conditions.

In the face of such adversity, acts of compassion can become torches of hope. One such simple yet profound act is the donation of blankets.

Blankets offer immediate relief from the harsh realities of winter weather as they provide warmth and protection against frostbite and hypothermia. In many cases, a blanket can mean the difference between life and death.

These seemingly mundane items carry a message of care and solidarity to those who often feel marginalised by society. They offer comfort, dignity and a tangible reminder of empathy to those in need.

Furthermore, blanket donations can help strengthen community between different sections of the society. For those who contribute, the act of giving can be deeply fulfilling that comes from making a difference in the world.


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