Purush And Prakriti

‘In the beginning, there was the self alone. He transformed himself into man and woman. Later, he transformed himself into other creatures: bipeds and quadrupeds. In this way, he created everything that exists on earth, in water and sky. He realised: “I indeed am creation for I have produced all this.” Thus arose creation.’ (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 1-5)

This is an excerpt from a very interesting story in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. When the supreme energy Brahman gave himself a form, he felt the need for companionship and so he metamorphosed his form into that of a man and a woman embracing each other. In other words, Purusha and Prakriti have evolved from a union, that is embracing each other and from that union, creation has evolved.

The male Purusha is the efficient cause of creation and the female Prakriti is the material cause of creation and together they are responsible for all creations.

Purusha and Prakriti or Shiva and Shakti are two basic, independent and eternal principles that are the main cause and reason behind human existence. Purusha is a Sanskrit term which means spirit, self or consciousness in Indian philosophy. It represents the male aspect of creation. Purusha is an inactive, unchangeable, universal and eternal entity. It is innumerable as there are human beings. Prakriti simply means nature and represents the female aspect of creation. Prakriti is the principle of matter or substance. It is a non self without consciousness. Prakriti is active, changeable, earthly and also an eternal entity.  The harmonious relationship between Purush and Prakriti caused the birth of Srishti (creation) and is essential for the well being of life on Earth.

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