Shakti: The Divine Feminine

Shakti, in Sanskrit, means the ‘capacity to do’. She is the material cause of creation and its source. Life emanates from her and she exists in every being. It is not about being male or female but about living with self belief. Every time one says, “What shall I do ?” It is an invocation of the Goddess. Her potent energy lies in her ability to do.

The Goddess manifests herself in many forms, though she has no second. She is the resilience of Sita and the love of Radha. She is the devotion of Savitri, the fury of Durga, the knowledge of Saraswati and the abundance of Lakshmi. She is Sati’s truth, Parvati’s passion and Uma’s determination. She is multifaceted and yet enigmatic. She is like the ocean, unending, vast and deep. At times it is transparent like a mirror and at times it is opaque. It has the clarity of wisdom and the mystery of secrets. No one knows its depth nor can anyone fathom its boundaries. Yet, the ocean is the omnipotent truth.

A sign of the divine feminine is when she no longer has the capacity to chase. Instead she receives what comes to her with ease and flow. She doesn’t cling, she gracefully releases what is not meant for her and opens herself to destiny.

She doesn’t display her strength nor does she need to prove her power. Her purpose is the full embodiment of her intrinsic value, beauty and spirit.

She is one with her feminine energy, sensitivities and desires. She lives and creates in a world as a distinctly feminine being in a way that is natural, unforced and true.


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