The Miracle of Mindfulness

We are all inspired by tranquil images of individuals meditating peacefully. We sit in  Padmasana [the lotus pose] with a calm expression on our face hoping to radiate bliss and serenity but then we remember to add something to our to-do list or we are disturbed by thoughts of an argument that occurred recently. Maybe there’s a fly buzzing near our face or our leg is itchy. Happens to you too, right?

Well, let me tell you, this is completely normal. You will not always be able to meditate in perfect silence with perfect focus. There will be moments when your breathing is not harmonious. When you are upset or annoyed, you become distracted and your breathing is erratic . You will need a minute to re-centre your mind and to direct your focus back to your breathing. Then, as your breath resumes a steady rhythm the fear and anger will be transformed. You must allow yourself to release the tension. Relax your muscles and smile at your breathing. Embrace it and acknowledge it. “I know I am breathing in. I know I am breathing out.”

You can meditate while walking or sitting and simultaneously accept your anguish.  In fact, mindfulness will help you become at ease with your distress. Each time you breathe, your breath will shift your attention from your problems to yourself. Your breath will remind you to come back to yourself, to the strengths, opportunities and blessings that life has to offer. 

The miracle of mindfulness is to experience the vibrance of positive elements and embracing the negative elements within and around you which will allow you to pacify them and reach a peaceful state of being. 


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