Yoga: A Way of Life

अथ योगानुशासनम् ।।( योगसूत्र 1/1)

In the first sutra of Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Maharishi Patanjali tells us  “Now the Discipline of Yoga”. This succinct phrase encapsulates the philosophy of yoga and the yogic way of life. It is a common misnomer that yoga is only limited to physical exercises called asanas but that is not so. Yoga has eight limbs: Yama (restraint), Niyama (observances), Asana (posture), Pranayama (breath), Pratyahara (turning inward), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (Oneness).

These elements form the essence of yoga and when they are incorporated in one’s way of life, it becomes a yogic way of life. Maharashiji has distilled this essence and in three simple words he has given us the secret of a happy life.

The first word is ‘Now’. Time is not a metric of the past or future, time is the present. It is a reminder to be mindful, to be present in the present moment. To accept it, enjoy it and make the most of it. It is in this very moment that you have the power to change your life and shape your destiny.

The second word is ‘Discipline’. It is essential to have a routine and to be committed to it in order to achieve worldly and spiritual goals. Discipline means dedication to a task or higher aim by focusing one’s effort towards it and delaying gratification.

The third word is ‘Yoga’. Yoga is a way of life that involves aligning one’s body, mind and soul with each other so that no external circumstance or condition can disturb the internal equilibrium.

In order to change one’s life it is not enough to merely change one’s diet or start an exercise regime, the reformation has to happen from the core of one’s being. By adopting yoga as a way of life, one chooses holistic health, peace of mind and  contentment to becomes who one truly is.


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